Hump Day 2018

Happy Hump Day for the Year.  We have reached the mid-point of 2018, its all down hill from here.  Woohoo!!!

In all honesty, this year has been kinda so-so for me.  On the up side, my job has been going well.  I’ve been alternating between busy-as-all-get-out, to everything coming to a screeching halt, and back.  I’ve been traveling (for work) more in the last few months than I have in the last several years.  As busy and as frustrating as it has been, I’ve really been enjoying myself in my job.

On the down side, Dad has been dealing with cancer treatments, and I’ve been worried about both him and Mom.  He’s doing well and the treatments appear to be very effective.  He’s got a couple of chemo treatments left to go and then surgery to remove the tumor.  If things go as well as the doctors are expecting, he’ll be done with treatments by Thanksgiving (how very fitting).

Everything else in my life has been firmly in the middle, neither good nor bad (this is going to be a progress report of my last post):

  • Work on the trailer has been slow; I’ve managed to get the lights working and have started demoing the interior.  But I still need to get it to pass state inspection before I can transfer the title to my name or get insurance for it.
  • I’m doing pretty well regarding saving money (I automate my savings), but I’m not getting any better about spending money (shocker!).  I’m going to need to re-evaluate my finances.
  • I haven’t lost any weight.  Well, I was down a few pounds, then I was up about 15 pounds, now I’m back to about 5 pounds up from what I was at the beginning of the year.
  • I signed up for a co-ed bocce league.  It gives me a reason to leave the office be a certain time at least once a week.  I’ve met a few people, but so far, no one I’ve hung out with outside of bocce events.  This will just take time.

So there’s a quick update on my life.  Work is about to head into overdrive again, and I wanted to leave a quick note on how I am doing before I go back to practically living in the office for the next two or three months.  Take care everybody!