Earlier this year, I finished my first complete cycle of the five-year Through The Bible series with Dr. J. Vernon McGee. It is an excellent program for in-depth study of the entire Bible. For my next trip on “the Bible Bus” as the program refers to itself, I thought I’d get a wide-margin study Bible specifically for making notes. I’ve also purchased a concordance and a Bible dictionary, and I’ve collected many of the Notes and Outlines from the TTB website to use during my studies with the podcast.
Now, when I decided to do all this, I was actually a few months behind on the program. Then I stopped listening to the main program at work to catch up on the back-log of the Question & Answer and sermons they broadcast on the weekends. Then I started catching up on other podcast shows I like. I didn’t realize until Dad told me a couple of weeks ago, that I’m now a year behind the main program. They started their new cycle last April.
Whoops. I guess I’d better get started.